Section 1. The name of this organization shall be the Iowa Council of Administrators of Special Education, hereinafter referred to as I-CASE.
Section 2. I-CASE shall be affiliated as a subdivision of CASE and as a division of the Iowa Federation of the Council for Exceptional Children.
Article II - Purpose
The I-CASE is organized to promote professional leadership, provide opportunity for the study of problems common to its members, and to communicate through discussion and publications, information that will develop improved services for exceptional children on a national basis and within the State of Iowa.
Article III - Membership
Section 1. Active membership is open to individuals who are current members of the Council for Exceptional Children and (a) administer, direct, supervise, and/or coordinate a program, school or classes of special education for exceptional children as a major responsibility, (b) formerly administered, directed, supervised, or coordinated a program, school or classes or special education for exceptional children as a major responsibility and/or (c) college faculty whose major responsibility are the professional preparation of administrators of special education within the State of Iowa.
Active membership entitles the members to attend all meetings of the subdivision, to vote on all questions presented to the membership, to hold office, and to serve as a committee chairperson.
Section 2. Associate membership in I-CASE is open to members of the Council for Exceptional Children who are interested in the administration of programs or services to exceptional children but who are not eligible for active membership. Associate members may attend all meetings of the subdivision, receive all communications sent to the membership, and may serve on committees; however, associate members are nonvoting and may neither hold elected office nor serve as a committee chair.
Section 3. Student membership in I-CASE is open to members of the Council for Exceptional Children who are in attendance during the academic year at an accredited college or university and who are enrolled in a graduate program for the professional preparation of administrators of special education. To qualify for student membership, the member cannot be employed full time. Student membership entitles the member to attend all meetings of the subdivision, to receive all communications sent to the membership, to vote on all questions presented to the membership, to hold office, and to serve as a committee member or committee chair.
Section 4. Retired membership in the I-CASE shall be available to persons who are retired members of the Council for Exceptional Children, having retired from full time professional responsibilities. Retired I-CASE members are entitled to attend all meetings of the subdivision, to receive all communications sent to the membership, to vote on all questions presented to the membership, and to serve as a committee member or committee chair. A retired I-CASE member is entitled to complete the term of an office to which he/she was elected prior to the change in status from active to retired; however, a retired I-CASE member is not eligible for election to office. A former president of I-CASE shall be awarded a retired lifetime membership in the subdivision upon retirement from full time professional responsibilities.
Section 5. The individual I-CASE member’s membership year shall coincide with that individual’s CEC membership year.
Article IV - Fees
Section 1. Active and associate members shall be subject to the regular rate established for payment of fees which will be determined on an annual basis by the executive committee. A past president of I-CASE who is retired from full time professional responsibilities is eligible for a retired membership and is exempt from payment of fees.
Article V - Officers
Section 1. Conditions of Office: 1.1 - Subdivision council officers must be members in good standing of both CASE and CEC at the time of nomination and election and remain so throughout the term of office.
1.2 - Candidates for subdivision council office must be individuals who meet condition 1.1 above and who are active or student members of I-CASE.
1.3 - Should any officer not fulfill the functions of said office, the following recall procedure will be implemented.
1.3.1 - A petition for removal of an I-CASE officer shall be made by at least five (5) members of the I-CASE Executive Committee by submitting this to the president. If the president is subject of the petition, it should be submitted to the president-elect. Such a petition shall indicate the problems or concerns and indicate why the person should be removed from office.
1.3.2 - The president (or president-elect), in conjunction with at least two (2) other members of the Executive Committee, shall contact the person in question and shall establish a date to review the situation with this person.
1.3.3 - At the time of the meeting, an outline should be developed listing the necessary corrective actions the person must take to fulfill the duties of his/her elected office.
1.3.4 - If the corrective action is successful, the matter will be dropped and the person will remain in office.
1.3.5 - If, after the time of probation, the person is not fulfilling the duties, the president (president-elect) will present the matter in writing to the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee will have the power to require a majority vote of the Executive Committee members with the removal from office effective immediately.
1.3.6 - The Executive Committee will present written notice of removal or recall to the person in question. The person will have thirty (30) days to submit to the president (president-elect) a written notice of appeal.
1.3.7 - Upon receipt of the appeal, the president (president-elect) will turn the written appeal over to an appeal board. The appeal board shall be appointed by the president (president-elect) and shall be comprised of five (5) persons who are official members of the I-CASE.
1.3.8 - The five (5) members of the appeal board shall be called together by the president (president-elect). Meeting expenses will be covered by I-CASE.
1.3.9 - At the meeting of the appeal board, the Executive Committee may be present but will not be able to vote on the appeal. A majority vote of the appeal board will be necessary to overturn the Executive Committee’s decision to remove the elected CASE officer in question from office. Such vote will constitute reinstatement of the elected I-CASE officer..
1.3.10 - The officer whose appeal has been considered shall be provided the appeal board decision in writing within fifteen (15) days.
Section 2.The officers of I-CASE shall be as follows: president, president-elect, immediate past-president, secretary, treasurer, and member-at-large.
Section 3. The president, president-elect, secretary, and treasurer shall serve a two year term. The president-elect shall be elected in even-numbered years and shall move into the presidency. The secretary shall be elected in even-numbered years and the treasurer shall be elected in odd-numbered year. The member-at-large shall serve for three years. All officers shall be expected to complete the duties of their offices by the end of the fiscal year in which their terms of office terminate (June 30).
Section 4. In case of a vacancy occurring in the office of president, the president-elect shall assume the office of president. In case of vacancy occurring in the office of president-elect or in the event he/she succeeds the president for any reason, the office of president-elect shall remain vacant until the next annual business meeting of I-CASE. During the interim, however, the president, with the approval of the Executive Committee, may appoint an acting president-elect until such replacement can be duly elected.
Section 5. In case of a vacancy occurring in the office of the secretary or treasurer, the president, with the approval of the Executive Committee, shall appoint a temporary replacement to serve until the next annual business meeting of I-CASE.
Section 6.No officer shall be elected to the same office for more than three successive terms.
Section 7.The president. The president shall preside at the annual business meeting of I-CASE and at meetings of the Executive Committee. He/she shall appoint all standing special committee chairpersons (except those specifically provided for in this constitution) subject to the approval of the Executive Committee, and shall be ex-officio member of all committees. This officer shall act for I-CASE between annual meetings clearing, by mail or telephone wherever necessary, important actions with the Executive Committee. The president or such alternate as he/she may designate shall represent I-CASE at meetings of other groups where I-CASE representation is desired or required.
Section 8.The president-elect. The president-elect shall serve in the event of resignation or absence of the president. He/she shall accede to the office of president from the position of president-elect. He/she shall serve as chairperson of the I-CASE Membership Committee, and shall serve in other capacities as designated by the president.
Section 9.The secretary. The secretary shall keep accurate minutes of all general meetings of I-CASE and of the meetings of the Executive Committee. He/she shall carry on correspondence as necessary in regard to matters as delegated by the president.
Section 10.The treasurer. The treasurer shall receive and disburse upon proper authorization all funds of I-CASE. He/she shall develop an accurate record of receipts and expenditures and present a report at each annual meeting. He/she shall be responsible for submitting tax reports for I-CASE, as needed. The National CASE annual report will be prepared by the treasure. The records of the treasurer shall audited periodically as directed by action of the Executive Committee and shall be audited prior to a new treasurer assuming office. The audit must be conducted by persons independent of the I-CASE Executive Committee. The treasurer shall draw up a proposed budget for the forthcoming year and shall submit it to the Executive Committee.
Section 11.The immediate past-president. The immediate past-president shall serve on the Executive Committee, chair the Professional Learning Committee, and have other responsibilities as designated by the president. Section 12.The member-at-large. The member-at-large shall be elected by a vote of the membership. The member-at-large shall serve as a member of Executive Committee and shall manage the awards/scholarship program, and have other responsibilities as designated by the president.
Article VI - Meetings
Section 1.I-CASE shall hold its annual business meeting as determined by the Executive Committee.
Section 2. Other meetings are held as needed.
Section 3.Participation at business meetings is restricted to members in good standing.
Article VII - Executive Committee
Section 1.The Executive Committee shall include the president, president elect, secretary, treasurer, immediate past-president, member-at-large, and committee chairpersons. Responsibilities of the Executive Committee include: a) carryout the purpose of I-CASE as defined in this constitution; b) coordinate annual activities; and c) complete processes for election of officers.
A call for nominations for the officers to be elected will be sent to the membership prior to the annual meeting. The Executive Committee will check nominations to determine eligibility, availability, and willingness to serve. Nominations will include those submitted to the Executive Committee as well as those submitted on the floor at the annual meeting. A ballot will be distributed to all active I-CASE members through an on-line ballot. The results will be communicated to I-CASE members within two weeks following the election. Elected officers will take office on the following July 1st.
Section2. The standing committees shall be as follows: Membership and Professional Learning. Additional committees may be convened as determined by the Executive Committee.
Section 3.The standing committee chairpersons and other special committee chairpersons shall be recommended by the president with the approval of the Executive Committee unless otherwise designated in this constitution. The chairperson, with the approval of the president, shall select the committee members.
Article IX - Parliamentary Authority
The rules contained in Roberts’ Parliamentary Law and the latest edition of Roberts’ Rules of Order, Newly Revised, shall govern the Iowa Council of Administrators of Special Education in all cases to which they are applicable, and in which they are not inconsistent with the articles of this Constitution.
Article X - Dissolution
Upon dissolution of I-CASE, the Executive Committee shall, after paying or making provision for the payment of all liabilities, dispose of all the assets to the Iowa Federation of the Council for Exceptional Children. Under no circumstances shall any of the property or assets be distributed to any officer, member, employee, or subsidiary of I-CASE.
Article XI - Amendments
This Constitution may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members present at the annual business meeting, provided the membership has been notified at least thirty (30) days prior to annual meeting of specific language proposed for revision.
Last revised 9-2011 Reviewed & no changes made 7-2012 Reviewed & amendments approved at Annual Business Meeting 4-11-2017 Reviewed & amendments approved at Annual Business Meeting 9-7-2023